Maths was never my favourite subject at school. I had some problems with it, especially when it comes to the exercises that begin with Prove that... But generally, if I put enough effort into it, I was able to solve them. However, some friends of mine couldn't make it. Some of them complained that it is not their fault that they have bad results. Maths is simply too hard to understand.
Why many people find it so difficult? There are many reasons, but first of all: in mathematics you have to find the exact answer. One mistake and the result won't be correct. A plus sign instead of a minus, four instead of three and you're wrong. It is quite demotivating for everyone. You have to practise a lot, if you want to get comfortable with the type of exercise. You need to understand the basics if you want to deal with some more advanced maths equations. So, don't get discouraged and keep practising!
I wonder what inspired you to write on this topic :) Sometimes you need maths even when your major subject is language! If you do some research in linguistics, for example (which is fascinating and totally worth it!), you may need to use some statistics. So keep your maths at hand, you never know when you will need it :)