In almost every restaurant if you order a fish, you will probably get it with a quarter or a few slices of lemon. And it's not only about a fish, because if you think of shrimps or other seafood, it's also accompanied by this sour fruit. But have you ever wondered why?
Well, there may be few reasons and not all of them are positive, like for example: some restaurants may want to mask or cover the fact that the food they serve is not very fresh. It seems disgusting, but unfortunately in many cases it's true. But not all of the restaurants do so, right? Of course it is right. Generally, the lemon adds a little bit of sourness and citrus taste to the meal and it simply improves it. There's also another reason, treated as the more scientific one, that considers the fish bones. Many people think that if you incidentally swallow a fish bone, the acid from the lemon juice dissolves it, and there's nothing to be worry about. It's not entirely true, because the lemon won't help you if a fish bone get stuck in your throat...
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