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Showing posts from October, 2018

Why don't we dream sometimes?

It seems like we don't dream every time we sleep. We wake up and we don't remember anything, so we assume that we weren't dreaming at all. But is it true that we just don't have dreams sometimes? Why is that?  The answer is quite surprising as everyone dreams every night or even a couple of times during the sleep. The large part of the dreams comes from the fourth phase of sleep, the REM phase that repeats every 90 minutes. The problem is that some remember more than others. Certain people are able to describe their dreams with all the details while the others don't remember anything. The easiest way to explain it is to understand what one of the scientists has claimed: "the sleeping brain is not capable of memorizing new information; it needs to awaken to be able to do that". If you often wake up during your sleep, you probably remember a lot of your dreams. If not, there's nothing to be worry about. It just shows that you are a heavy slee

Why are cats affraid of cucumbers?

Have you ever seen these funny videos of cats being affraid of cucumbers? If not, watch some of them and then try to answer the question: why do they act this way? Maybe it's not about the cucumber? Maybe it could be any other object with the same shape? There are two possible answers. The first one is the fear of the unknown. Let's make it clear, normally cats wouldn't see a cucumber on the floor. It's not a part of they everyday life and that's why they might be affarid and try to run away as fast as possible when they see a new, wierd object. Especially, when it appears form nowhere, right next to their bowl. The second option assumes that the cucumber closely resembles the snake as both of them are green and oblong. It seems like a natural reaction to be scared, jump and escape in front of the danger. Who wouldn't do that?

Why do we cry when we chop onions?

The onion is the most basic vegetable to add while cooking. Think about scrambled eggs or even fried potatoes without it. Quite weird, at least for me. It's the sweetness and spiciness of onion, that make every meal so yummy. But have you ever asked yourself why almost everyone starts crying while chopping it ? Some people say that's because of its specific scent and somehow they are right, since the smell is connected to a compound , released at the moment we cut an onion. When it's mixed with the lacrimal fluid in our eyes, it irritates them and makes us cry, but even though, the onion is still one of the most popular vegetables in the world. Since I don't cry while cutting an onion, I'm the lucky one. Maybe it's because of the fact that I usually wear contacts but that's something we can consider some other time.

Why do ladybugs have spots?

When I was a child, my parents used to tell me that the number of the spots corresponds to the age of a ladybug and it was definitely an answer that a little girl want to hear. But the truth is, these insects are born with a number of spots that won't change for the rest of their life. It all depends on the species we are actually looking at. They can come with different patterns and colors, but the most known is the seven-spotted, red ladybug that helps us control plant pests in our gardens. So why do ladybugs have spots? Like lots of other animals, these little beetles need some kind of camouflage to protect themselves. Black spots on their bright red body inform other animals that they might be poisonous and it won't be a good idea to eat them.